Sonntag, 4. August 2013

The first contact


This is a topic, which appears to be more and more of interest for all of us.
I'm writing as a half German, half English woman, born in Germany, mother of two children, from a kurdish/turkish man, who grew up by turns in Turkey and in Germany :) !

Some of us are used to be surrounded by different cultures since they are born, others (like me), have only rare contact in their childhood - not thinking much about "others", cause yes, they are there, and we are here... That's it! Well, only untill the moment comes and you meet a special person.
Maybe you'll soon be best friends, or if it happens to be the other sex, you might even become a couple..!

What is th magic about? Does it depend on the other culture, which is new and interesting, or even extreamly exciting?? Is it just the person, no matter which culture he brings with him? Or is it a mixture of both

Not long eather way, it'll come to a CLASH! 


For some it is another adventure on their journey, which doesn't have a lasting negative affect, but for some others it makes a big turn in their life!

For me, one thing is clear so far:
Even if I made experiences that exceed all my imagingations about life after having met my partner, I always try to remember the way I saw and felt things as a child, and that makes everybody, every child, and every culture the same... Isn't it so?

Please tell your stories or experiences, because I think that is what helps everyone of us cope with the problems between different cultures and lets us see everything a little easier
